Lifestyle, Product Review

The Evolution of Women’s Handbags: From Minimalism to Style-Hie

I belong to the older generation where purses or handbags were hardly matched with outfits or the need. All those who had grown up during the 80s and ’90s could relate to how a standard handbag was seen with us on most occasions. It’s not about style statement but how minimalism ruled in those times.… Read More The Evolution of Women’s Handbags: From Minimalism to Style-Hie

Parenting, Product Review

Sustainable Personalised Gifts For Children

Often I get asked what should be the ideal gift for young children or teenagers. And I always answer in the same tone that they’ve nothing left which they need. Nowadays children have even more than what they want. Books and reading are so personalised until you know the taste of the other person else… Read More Sustainable Personalised Gifts For Children

Education, Product Review

Bring Back The Charm Of Board Games, Add Creativity, and Reduce Screen Time!

As a parent, I am always conscious about what kind of content my children consume. I do not endorse digital time more than an hour or even less if not required. Playing out, and physical or mental engagement beyond screen time is so important for these growing kids. We might buy them the latest phone,… Read More Bring Back The Charm Of Board Games, Add Creativity, and Reduce Screen Time!

Lifestyle, Product Review

How Much Is Too Much For Skin And Hair?

Scroll any social media and you’ll be surprised to know how every second person is worried about hair and skin. The deteriorating quality of skin and hair is palpable. While there is no shortage of specialists and products available in the open market the problem is not getting solved. As humans, our skin and hair… Read More How Much Is Too Much For Skin And Hair?

Parenting, Product Review

Shopping for Babies isn’t easy! Do look for these things when you buy clothes.

As a mother to two, I’ve always liked shopping for children. That’s something one can never get over with even in decades. And, clothing is one of the most important parts of any kind of shopping especially for babies when you won’t find enough to buy. Even though my children are in their teenage years… Read More Shopping for Babies isn’t easy! Do look for these things when you buy clothes.