Education, Random Thoughts

Empowering Books For Children By Katha

Reading or gifting books to the children is the best thing one can do! As a parent, I value and appreciate the learning which comes from books. For kids, it acts as a mirror to the society. It gives them imagination and the right knowledge on various aspects of life.  The digital media can never replace the power of books and why we should always encourage our children to read more. Certainly, there are gaps in our society in terms of financial status but it can never be the hurdle to make every child read as per their age.

Here, I want to share about one organisation who is deliberately working for children from the underserved communities. Katha India started in 1988 and seamlessly connecting grassroots work in education and urban resurgence. Katha brings children living in poverty into reading and quality education. Over the past three decades, through its many programmes, Katha has helped over one million children help themselves out of poverty. 

Recently I received some books from Katha and I must appreciate the kind of content, texture and creative illustrations voiced in the books. I really liked the idea to empower kids with short stories and raising voice against social issues in an approachable way!

Katha Books

Other than this these are the key points which I strongly advocate:

Language– It’s so easy and flowing for the beginners which is an important factor for those kids who are not well-versed with English. Anyone who has a basic understanding of words can easily read the book.
Another advantage is the illustrations making it easy and more interesting. 

Storyline: Stories are based on Indian connect. Names, locations, behaviour patterns all are well articulated to make them understand in easy words. The words used are entirely dictionary -free and can be easily manageable.

Katha Books

Moral: Every story has some moral which is equally important to each child.  When we talk about society we need to consider every aspect to the core. Here the books plays the role by reaching out to underprivileged children.

Equality & Empowerment– These books also talk about equality, inspiration and empowerment through short stories. Every short story whether it’s in English or Hindi talks about the lapses and inequality our society has and how we can make it better with collective efforts.

You can also buy them online or download the app. 
Katha has several programmes in place to help check poverty across the country. Katha Lab School, Katha’s Slum Resurgence Initiative (SRI), Katha English Academy (KENGA)Katha School of Entrepreneurship (KSE), etc. are some of the many programmes Katha runs to ensure the child receives holistic learning.  Katha’s I Love Reading campaign is an initiative undertaken by Katha to achieve this. (Source:

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