Parenting, Product Review

Shopping for Babies isn’t easy! Do look for these things when you buy clothes.

As a mother to two, I’ve always liked shopping for children. That’s something one can never get over with even in decades. And, clothing is one of the most important parts of any kind of shopping especially for babies when you won’t find enough to buy. Even though my children are in their teenage years my love for buying clothing for them or anyone irrespective of age never faded. The best part of shopping for babies and children is that you’ve multiple varieties—Sizes, varieties, colours and whatall. There was a time when children in the family would wear clothes in a repeat mode depending on the age differences they’ve in the family. Also, financially it wasn’t feasible for all to buy new all the time. Many families have the tradition of using old clothes for newborns and aren’t supposed to buy new ones for one or two months.

Fast forward to the current time and a surge of nuclear families, a new member in the family brings a lot of changes. Buying new clothes, toys and all basic accessories one might need. Even people like us who always prefer gifting comfortable clothing would hop hundreds of brands to finalise one—considering how the market is filled with varied options we need to filter our choice depending on comfort, budget and sustainability. I prefer gifting the most soft fabric, preferably cotton or hosiery. Babies are sensitive and might develop some allergies due to the products we buy for them.

Cotton can never get old: Be it any season, age cotton clothing can never go out of comfort. Especially in Indian weather conditions, nothing can replace cotton fabric. Even though there is no dearth of synthetic or mixed fibre to manage cost or color sustainability most people prefer cotton over everything. I never took the risk of buying synthetic or mixed fabric clothing when it comes to babies and children. Their skin needs breathing and especially babies when they cant even communicate about the feel, Cotton is the best fabric to choose from.

Don’t buy in bulk: It’s completely okay to feel overwhelmed as the new parenting steps in. You cant be holding onto happiness which you express by buying unlimited in the expectation that you might use it during the initial phase of parenting. Unfortunately, babies grow faster and the more you accumulate it’s of no use. Go slow when it comes to shopping. Buy what’s needed in those 2-3 months. You can follow a minimalistic approach and not spend unnecessary

Dressing them as per weather: We parents have that feel that babies might feel more cold or heat than us but mostly they feel exactly like us. They like a little warmer environment. With so many weather changes in a year, it’s important to make them wear full cotton dresses to feel comfortable and also protect from insect bites like mosquitoes etc. Cotton is a breathable fabric and it helps to shield a protective layer over them without any harm.

Recently I explored one website where you can easily find cotton comfortable dresses for babies. Be it a night suit, warm clothing or anything traditional, fancy yet comfortable. I was looking for one pair of clothing to gift to someone who is a new parent. It’s not always possible to visit multiple stores and get the perfect pair of cotton clothing. Mama& Peaches is a wonderful brand for babies. multiple varieties of clothing ranging from sleepwear, jhablas, indian traditional wear, winterwear and so on. I bought a night suit and a cap for this weather. I was looking for a full-sleeved and full pants outfit with open buttons to make it easy to wear and a plain comfortable cap with no fancy stuff.

It’s easy to find cotton tags clothing in the market or online but not necessarily that every product is 100% cotton and soothing to the skin. Babies don’t need much other than comfortable clothing and a cosy environment. Better we always look at sustainable buying over fancy stuff which should be breathable and could work in all weather.

Also, clothing shouldn’t be too tight or loose. buying one number bigger helps in an easy transition and works for a little longer time. Buying when you need is the best policy because as new parents we might end up buying unnecessary stuff which is mostly unused. Long-term sustainability should be the key!

baby dress

Check this brand for more ideas!

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2 thoughts on “Shopping for Babies isn’t easy! Do look for these things when you buy clothes.

  1. Insightful tips for shopping for baby clothes! Your considerations ensure both comfort and practicality for little ones. Thanks for sharing these helpful insights!

  2. It’s a good idea. Your passion for shopping for children and the thoughtful approach you take when selecting clothes is truly inspiring! I completely agree that cotton is the best choice for little ones, especially given its breathability and comfort. It’s great to see how you’re embracing a minimalistic mindset while still ensuring that new parents have access to quality clothing.Thanks for your good suggestions

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