I belong to the older generation where purses or handbags were hardly matched with outfits or the need. All those who had grown up during the 80s and ’90s could relate to how a standard handbag was seen with us on most occasions. It’s not about style statement but how minimalism ruled in those times. Also, none cared if handbags could be the part of comfort.
Returning to the present times when there is no dearth of matching bags of all ages and a dearth of options available to fill our requirements. I remember buying those small backpack-styled college bags and then moving on to jute bags as a sustainable and stylish fabric. But the present time is loaded with all the varieties you might need or might not. Women need a good-sized or well-designed bag to keep all the essentials safely. Modern life hustle demands a lot of changes which were never considered as a part of a better lifestyle. On the contrary, small sling bags have picked up the pace like anything before due to their easy maintenance and cross-carrying option which ultimately frees your shoulders and hands to hold up for a longer period as having pockets won’t always fix the need. It’s more about comfort, style, aesthetics and eco-friendliness for many with carrying things you need the most when you’re out for the day!
All these years I’ve bought all sought of bags, from the tiniest ones to the tote bags, roadside handmade to brand, and artificial leather to handmade. Believe me, everything was worth buying and investing time and money. It’s more about feeling and the need at that time of the phase. I feel bags are an essential part of women’s wardrobe and do make the most of it. Very similar to footwear where we match most of the time; bags are similar. College bags, office bags, party pouches, wallets and so on. But how we choose those or find the best deal with quality matters. Perhaps, it’s more about buying and trying the brand before we create the trust to buy another or to refer to anyone.
The grim side of social media has triggered and captured the market in the wrong way. A lot of things in the market work on a FOMO basis. All thanks to Instagram reels who are easily pushing sales to another level and how people end up buying things they don’t even need or suit them. My only suggestion or experience says buy when you genuinely need it and do look for the product in real before you swipe your card. A lot of products don’t come with return policies which you get to know only after receiving them.
So, what’s the way to filter out these purchases even if you badly need them? First, go the traditional way. Check physical stores and look at the quality and price range to have an idea. Visit multiple shops with every range and type to check what exactly is our needs and budget. For any purchase, budget plays a key role to finalise else you might end up paying credit card bills every month. SPEND WISELY.
Another way of checking trusted brands online where they have a proper website to display products and tell their story of formation, contact details, office addresses, etc. There are a lot of frauds selling their product through WA numbers which is always shady to believe. You have nothing to report if something happens to your transaction or product. So, hold your breath if you find any bag intimidating but do not have an official website, it might be fishy.

I always visit stores and buy bags or trust only well-known e-commerce channels where everything is transparent. Other than that I’ve recently bought a Tote Bag from Hie website, which is a growing brand in Luxury women’s handbags. They have carved aesthetics with quality and subtle beauty which is surely a go-go thing with today’s women where work needs to be balanced by aesthetics and needs. The variety of colours, patterns, and quality is unmatched.
Especially designed as per need like the one I bought where I can keep my laptop and other essentials without overburdening the design. Lightweight, subtle color, luxurious feel and side sling to carry another way. Do check out their website for more options and find your luxurious bag!
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